When it comes to buying green juices, you’ve got so many more options than you did a few years ago. But with all of these choices, how do we decide what is best for us? Green is so much more than a color! We are here to provide an easy how-to for choosing the best green juice to meet your needs.
What to Look For In a Green Juice
Below you’ll find 4 guideposts to help you navigate the green juice jungle. All of the answers can be found right on the nutrition facts label. Here at Evolution Fresh™, we have 5 green juices to choose from – learn more about our assortment on the Almanac with this article or our green juice product pages.
1. Sugar: Look for green juices on the lower end of the sugars range (we use 12 grams of sugars per 8 oz. serving as a guide post). Generally speaking, a higher sugar content may make a juice more palatable. So if you are new to green juice, a slightly higher sugar content, usually provided through the use of fruit juice, may help you ease into that leafy greens taste. If you’re a green juice maven, there are green juices like Essential Greens with Lime with less than 7 grams of sugars per 8 oz. serving to meet your needs.
Evolution Fresh™ offers green juices that range from 6 to 10 grams of sugar per 8 ounce serving but there are juice options out there that range as high as 30 grams per 8 ounce serving.
2. Leafy Greens: It’s green juice, so it should have leafy greens in the ingredient list right? Not necessarily. Read the ingredients, which are listed in order of predominance and look for juices that have a leafy green appear in the first four ingredients.
3. Other Ingredients: See anything there that doesn’t sound like a fruit or vegetable in the ingredient list? We recommend juices that derive taste and nutrition from ingredients sourced from the ground or a tree.
4. Cold-Pressed: If you’re not juicing at home, look for juices that are cold-pressed using High Pressure Processing. This process helps to protect flavor and nutrients and allows for green juices with a vibrant taste that may remind you of the produce itself. Processes that require the application of heat – like pasteurization – may produce a different taste profile.